The 43-unit bachelor of arts in art degree program provides innovative and rigorous majors in studio art and art history/studio art.
All art history and studio courses are integral to each of the concentrations, providing introductory experiences in selected areas, and are core prerequisites to all concentrations. They focus on perceptual skills, modes of consciousness, creative expression and critical thinking. Attention is given to traditions and heritage of the discipline, contemporary issues and forms, imaginative problem solving and written English proficiency within the discipline. Courses are designed to provide a broad experiential and conceptual orientation to the visual arts and art history.
Degree requirements can be found in the current SF State bulletin.

Please Note: The previous 46-unit Art (Studio Art)-B.A. concentration has been elevated to the 43-unit Studio Art-B.A. major as of August 2022. Students who previously declared an Art (Studio Art)-B.A. concentration may continue in the degree as planned. If you wish to switch to the Studio Art-B.A. major, simply complete an online Request for Change of Major via SF State Gateway/MySFSU. Please see a Studio Art major advisor if you have any questions.
The previous Art (Art History)-B.A. Concentration has been elevated to the Art History-B.A. major as of January 2019. Students who previously declared an Art (Art History)-B.A. Concentration may continue in the degree as planned. If you wish to switch to the Art History-B.A. major, simply complete an online Request for Change Major via SF State Gateway/MySFSU. Please see an Art History advisor if you have any questions.
Concentration in Studio Art
The concentration in studio art provides students with the framework to develop their own body of work through a variety of studio experiences supported by knowledge of past and contemporary art-making practices.
Degree Requirements for the bachelor of arts in art with a concentration in studio art can be found in the SF State bulletin (Studio Art).
Concentration in Art History and Studio Art
A concentration in art history and studio art is available for students with crossover interests in studio and art history. The concentration consists of a planned combination of courses in both areas, approved in advance by advisors in art history and studio.
Degree Requirements for the bachelor of arts in art with a concentration in art history and studio art can be found in the SF State bulletin (Art History and Studio Art).
Discontinued Concentration in Art Education
Starting in Fall 2018, the School of Art will no longer offer a concentration in Art Education. However, the pathway to teaching in Art will remain available through the Art Major with a concentration in Studio Art. Current students who previously declared an Art Education concentration may continue in the program and receive a B.A. in Art with a Concentration in Art Education. New students who wish to pursue elementary and secondary education as a career are advised to major in Art with a concentration in Studio Art. The Studio Art concentration is aligned with the Subject Matter Waiver Program in Art, which provides a waiver for the CSET exam in Art and prepares students to enter the Single Subject Credential Program in Art. Students are also encouraged to minor in Education and/or take courses in Education as part of complementary studies, in particular, E ED 450: Art and Learning. Students who are considering teaching art should see an Education adviser before planning the major. Specific courses and competency assessments are required for admission to the credential program in this area. See the Graduate College of Education website for more information about the credential program and the CSET Waiver in Art.
Students are not required to submit portfolios for admission to the undergraduate programs. Lower-division courses are open to all interested students on a space-available basis. Upper-division courses generally have prerequisites for admission. Students should check the University bulletin for specific information about each course or speak with faculty advisors.
Applications for admission to the art major are accepted by the University's Office of Enrollment Services only during the application filing periods of October 1 - November 30 (for admission the following fall) and August 1-31 (for admission the following spring). Applications received outside of these two filing periods will not be considered.
For undergraduate admission information please visit the SF State Admissions website.
Lower-division art courses taken at community colleges may satisfy some of the requirements for the major program. Advanced courses taken at accredited colleges and universities may also be considered for transfer. Visit the transfer student page for more information.
Students should meet with a faculty advisor at least once a semester to remain on track for a timely graduation. Faculty advising is available during fall and spring semesters with limited advising during the summer and winter. Students can meet with an advisor prior to entering the University. Visit our advising page for detailed information.