Advisor | Focus | Details |
Gwen Allen | Art History | If your last name begins with A-K |
Art History | If your last name begins with L-Z |
Advisor | Focus | Details |
Mike Arcega | Studio Art | If your last name begins with A-K |
Susan Belau | Studio Art | If your last name begins with A-K |
Libby Black | Studio Art | If your last name begins with A-K |
Ilana Crispi | Studio Art | If your last name begins with L-P |
Chris Finley | Studio Art | If your last name begins with L-P |
Mario Laplante | Studio Art | If your last name begins with L-P |
Paula Levine | Studio Art | If your last name begins with L-P |
Sean McFarland | Studio Art | If your last name begins with Q-Z |
Jeff Downing | Studio Art | If your last name begins with Q-Z |
Victor De La Rosa | Studio Art | If your last name begins with Q-Z |
For urgent and general School of Art inqueries, please schedule an appointment with Director Santhi Kavuri-Bauer via Calendly.

Undergraduate Advising
Majors in the College of Liberal & Creative Arts (LCA) should consult with two advisors each semester:
- an advisor in the major and
- a general education and university requirements advisor in the Undergraduate Advising Center
Students who are completing a minor or an additional major should see an advisor in those programs as well.

Graduate Advising
You can visit the Division of Graduate Studies Advising page for resources on advising. You can also view our "M.F.A. forms" to find any necessary forms.
Students choose one of the following faculty listed under the first letter of student's last name, according to Major/Concentration. Email your advisor to schedule an appointment during their virtual office hours.
To Change Major to Art or Art History or Add the Art or Art History Minor
- Schedule an advising session with the Dept. Chair by emailing or an Art faculty advisor.
- Complete an online Request for Change Major/Add Minor via SF State Gateway/MySFSU. (Go to the online Student Center. Under the Academics section, select Change Major from the drop-down menu and follow the instructions.)
To Change Concentration Within the Art Major
- Meet with a School of Art faculty advisor to discuss change of concentration.
- Go to the online Student Center. Under the Academics section, select Change Major from the drop-down menu and follow the instructions to select the new concentration. Email to notify the director of your concentration change so that they can approve it.
Adding a Second Major
A student can only add a second major if they can demonstrate that they complete both majors within the minimum units required to graduate (120-132 units, depending on the majors). They must complete a Petition to Add a Second Major form available on the Registrar's website and submit to the Registrar’s Office for review. Note: Please allow 4 to 6 weeks processing time
University Requirements
Students should check the University requirements about changing majors in advance of a major change. University requirements can be found on the Registrars website.
Students who wish to pursue teaching art in elementary or secondary schools as a career are advised to major in Art with a concentration in Studio Art. The Studio Art concentration is aligned with the Subject Matter Waiver Program in Art, which provides a waiver for the CSET exam in Art and prepares students to enter the Single Subject Credential Program in Art. Students are also encouraged to minor in Education and/or take courses in Education as part of complementary studies, in particular E ED 450: Art and Learning. Students who are considering teaching art, should see an Education adviser before planning the major. Specific courses and competency assessment are required for admission to the credential program in this area. See the Graduate College of Education website for more information about the credential program and the CSET Waiver in Art. To complete a CSET Waiver in Art, please contact Susan Belau, who is a subject matter advisor in Art.